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'we'll help you uncover trends'

creative respondents nationwide

Perfect Focus Research qualitative recruiting; insightful results



Perfect Focus recruiting provides researchers  an immediate edge -

Since 2000 we have recruited hundreds of online, phone, and in-person market research projects with consumers, professionals, and opinion leaders.  our experience and networks help us successfully deliver on even the most challenging of targets. We welcome innovations that are continually shifting the market research terrain.



We work on:

Online Bulletins, Panels & Online Focus Groups.

nationwide database of all types of respondents


Nationwide Consumer Studies, In person Focus Groups,

small & large focus groups , one on one interviews

Early adopters, Trendsetters,

Creative consumers for Ideation/Brainstorming

Small to medium business owners

Service providers


B2B Studies,  IDI's with decision makers, influencers, opinion leaders, futurists, Fortune 2000 executives, all technology,digital & IT .


Healthcare & Medical Studies; specialists and patients   

we worked on projects involving every type of influencer,  and end-user of pharmaceutical and healthcare products and services.







We recruit to all relevant in-situ settings and ethnographies, as well as client sites, test kitchens, hotel ballrooms - we customize strategies for your projects, whatever needs to be done to  learn what must be learned.

we'll help you uncover trends.

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